
For a non-specialist language teacher, assessments can be particularly daunting. Language Magnet completely removes the barriers to effective foreign language assessment by providing easy-to-use resources for the assessment process that are incorporated into the modules in a fun and engaging way.
Children thrive on showing what they can do with their newfound language skills and, with the Language Magnet French and Spanish Courses, teachers and parents are able to confidently do both informal and formal assessments. The fun assessment activities enable you to providing accurate feedback in all four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing using the detailed assessment criteria, marking schemes and clear grade boundaries. Our assessment criteria are clearly set out, with no jargon, using simple-to-apply descriptions that enable teachers and parents to easily identify each child’s attainment.

Self-Assessment Pupil Trackers

Our unique Pupil Trackers enable students to self-assess as they progress through their course and identify which language skills they have gained and to which level, and where they need more support. The Pupil Trackers enable an easy pupil and teacher, or child and parent, dialogue about each student’s personal language learning journey.

Listening and Speaking

Listening skills can be assessed in a variety of ways. Traditionally, listening skills are isolated by using listening comprehension exercises, but in reality listening is also part of a dynamic conversational interaction.  

To assess listening and speaking, Language Magnet uses: 

  • Fun and functional role-plays allowing teachers and parents to assess both listening and speaking skills. 
  • Engaging listening activities that create fun challenges for children to identify specific information.
  • Social interactive games that enable functional speaking opportunities for students to apply and demonstrate their language knowledge.

Reading and Writing

Reading in a foreign language to acquire information is a key skill for developing writing in the target language to give information. Assessments for reading are sufficiently differentiated to enable all children to succeed, and our unique grammar colour code system enables students to access the language using multiple skills.

Vocabulary, language structures, grammar, spelling and punctuation are integral to the writing assessments, which are differentiated by degrees of challenge and presented in fun and engaging activities.

Assessments are fully supported for every child to whichever level of support is required, so that every student is always building confidence and self-belief in their ability with the target language. The step-by-step approach in the lesson plans enable non-specialist language teachers and parents to confidently teach, guide and assess children's written language skills as you are fully supported with the vocabulary, language structures and grammar throughout each module.

To assess reading and writing, Language Magnet uses:

  • Engaging child-centered dialogues and narratives with fun and entertaining graphics and reference sheets that encourage children to read more of the target language.
  • Exciting activity sheets that complement the presentations and enable students to demonstrate their written ability of the language structures and vocabulary.
  • Language frameworks and reference sheets that enable children to express their own creativity and self-expression.