New member schools are welcome to join an onboarding webinar hosted by Language Magnet's founder. Book as an individual teacher or as a group on a single device.
Want to audit your MFL staff before the session?
Download an MFL internal audit sheet for your staff to complete.
Welcome to Language Magnet! At your school’s bespoke Onboarding session, we’ll discuss your school’s MFL needs, show you how to make the most of your new MFL portal and answer any questions your staff may have.
This session can be attended by an individual (eg. the MFL lead) or as a group meeting with staff. You can access your Onboarding with multiple devices - anyone with the Join Link can attend.
You can arrange your Onboarding session at any point in your subscription period. Schools can book an Onboarding slot once per year.*
Onboarding lasts 45 minutes* and will not be recorded. The session is hosted via Zoom and you will be able to attend with webcam, mic and livechat enabled.
Learn everything you need for a quick start teaching MFL with the Language Magnet portal in this personalised session.
*Session timings, session availability and Onboarding feature availability may be subject to change.